美国的证券公司都提供免费的在线交易平台,比如: 1、Morgan Stanley的www.msc.com
2、UBS 的www.ubsprominent.com/us/web_platform 用这些平台交易是免费的;如果通过人工客服或电话下单,则需支付50美分(每笔)的费用。 这些平台都可以进行以下交易:委托订单、查询订单状态和历史记录、打印账户对账单和交易记录以及修改交易订单等。 投资者可以通过这些平台实现网上交易,轻松管理自己的证券投资组合。 但这些免费服务仅面向客户账号中拥有至少30 万美元资产的投资者开放。 而一些互联网券商则允许客户以极低甚至零费用来买卖股票,如: 很多传统券商也推出了手机应用程序,让客户随时随地查账、交易。不过这些程序只提供给有网上交易平台的客户。 如果客户没有网上交易平台,又想在网上交易,则可以找一些在线券商,它们往往以很低的价格甚至完全免费为客户提供服务。
一、What if I lose my password or other account information?
二、What is the minimum amount of money that I can invest in stocks and how is it calculated?
三、Can you tell me a few general principles to keep in mind as I build my investment strategy?
四、How do I know what kind of investments are right for me?
五、I’m new to investing—can you give me an example of how to buy and sell stock like a pro?
六、Do your services charge any fees? If so, when would they be payable? 七、Does anyone else need sign off on my investment decision-making process——if not me alone, then whom? What if we disagree with each other's viewpoints?
八、What happens if I want to withdraw money from this program at some point in the future? Or amend my portfolio?
九、How often am I going to have to make decisions about money? 十、What type of educational materials will you be providing along the way? Will there be live seminars?